Thursday, October 8, 2009


i am up at a few minutes past midnight and i am not even close to feeling sleepy, hope i am not developing insomnia? sssscary!! i have never been an early bird though.
sicklers thats what they call people with sickle cell aneamia. that name really gets to me it sounds like branding a thing, you know like nigeria good people great nation that sort of thing
that is another annoying slogan or brand or whatever it is called.
seriously, should a person actually be called a sickler?
no matter how often a person falls sick, i dont think it is right to just call the person that
anyways i dont think anyone should be held liable for calling another person a sickler, i just think people should watch what they call people because you just might be hurting another. i think i should come up with a more suitable name,i will see about that
in the mean time watch this space!!!
maybe i do need some sleep cos i am beginning to blaab

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

okay people i am writing another post even though i am a terrible writer but... i guess because i am very passionate about this topic i have to brace myself an let people know more about it no matter how i write it.
i dont want this blog to sound like a depressant because that is far from the idea rather i want it to be seen for what it is a place were people can air their opinions on sickle cell aneamia.
want to discuss a basic remedy for staying health this does not require swallowing pills because i know many peolpe will say they are tired of taking drugs. this remedy is water which is very effective. a sicke cell patient should take at least eight litres of water a day it helps loosen the cells which tend to clog at the joints as a result of the sickle shape of the red blood cells. so i recommend that we take water like it is going extinct. i hope we all try it. bye for now
stay healthy

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

them cells

them cells.... are cells which you are given without your permission, they are cells which we are born with, naturally no one ask you what particular kind of cells you want else no one would go for a blue cell. i call them blue cells because they are gloomy and dark. i am talking about cells gotten as a result of the disease sickle cell aneamia. many people may not have heard of the disease, its a disease that attacks the redblood cells and they end up being sickle in shape (shaped like a curved C) as opposed to the regular disc or doughnut is caused by inherited genes from both parents. the disease is common among blacks, hispanics. the disease is not known to have a cure but there is the bone marrow transplant which is done to ease the disease. carriers of this disease usually experience weekness, chronic long term pain, fatigue and tiredness over time.i will discuss more about sickle cell aneamia on this blog.